Dig.This.Crate -- HOLIDAY SALE!

In celebration of the (Aaron) Winter Solstice, we crammed ALL of this year's new courses AND all of last year's original courses into this 75% discounted-on-top-of-the-previous-discounts "crate" for you.

Guest-starring a murderer's row of industry MVPs, including David Deutsch, Dan Ferrari, Julie Hassett, Jen Adams, Austin Lee, Andy Mukolo, Joe Schriefer, and Ning Li, this offer includes:

  • Dig.This.Grind -- The 6 top highlights from our legendary swipe file -- with behind the scenes insights from their original creators. (Previously $300.)
  • Dig.This.Break -- Watching Breaking Bad with our African friends for fun & profit. (Previously $120.)
  • Dig.This.Boom -- Our first annual July 5th celebration.
  • Dig.This.Box, which bundles the 27++ hours of the legendary Dig.This.Tape, plus Dig.This.Script and Dig.These.Emails. (Previously $120.)

There's no bigger, weirder, or more useful-in-ways-you-never-saw-coming collection of educational materials for internet copywriters / enterpreneurs / snowflakes.


Collapsible content

There are no laws. There are only LOLz.

You've been told there are laws.

Simple "rules" and "templates" that any copywriter, digital marketer, or snowflake-in-general can rely on to make the Internet spit out dollar bills. Just as long as you studiously follow them to the letter... and make sure not to have too much fun.

You've been told a lie.

Collapsible content

Together, we've sold $1.3 billion worth of newsletters, pills, and other direct-marketing macguffins.

Yeah, we're those guys. A.K.A. Dig.In, Dig.Out, Dig.On.

The small group of weirdos that's been quietly breaking most of the laws and hoarding most of the LOLz to ourselves for the past decade.

We've ghosted for everyone from Agora to Apple. Boardroom to BMW. Copy Accelerator to Calvin Klein. (Full alphabet here.)

We've "converted" David Deutsch, Dan Ferrari, Julie Hassett, Jen Adams, Ning Li, Austin Lee, Mike Abramov, Donnie Bryant, Colin Chung, Andy Mukolo, and more.

And most importantly, we've hosted 9 of the history's most epic parties. As you'll see below...

  • Dan De Sousa -- CANADA

    “What the hell just happened? I think they broke my brain."

  • Neil Go -- PORTUGAL

    "Dig kept planting copy seeds in our starving soils, non-stop. Copy genius pills? They got us. Bonuses on top of bonuses? They got us. Brain-dump transfusions? They got us. You ask, they deliver on a silver platter (and a golden tape). And every time I pen-pal-bombarded them… again, they got me. Their whole philosophy seems to be "more is more."

  • George B -- NIGERIA

    "The humor in each line, paragraph, hook -- and the thought process behind it -- blew my mind like a psychedelic. All the things we weren’t supposed to know about becoming an A-Player."

Summer '23 Shovelz

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