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The 12 LOLz of Copywriting (And You Can Too)



Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $120.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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Dig.This.Break is a collaboration between Andy Mukolo ("The Nigerian Prince") and Aaron Winter (Ph.D. in American Literary History) to answer the age-old question:

"Why are Americans so f***cked up, and how can we use it to take their money?"
Our conversation centered around group study of the American television show Breaking Bad, which concerns the economic & spiritual demise of the Baby Boom generation around the time of the '08 financial crisis. (But also touches on '90s de-industrialization themes in a similar way to other classic late '00s shows like The Sopranos and The Wire).
Our main group was mostly Nigerian, but this is a wildly unique course that will be of interest to anyone in Singapore, Australia, U.K. etc. etc. who's writing for American DRM audiences. Or even to any American willing to stare critically at a cracked mirror.
  • Official recordings only; all previous Zoom/Telegram bundle offers are closed.
  • We still have special pricing at $12 for African residents. Email to if interested.
  • That Africa "funnel" may also qualify you for other inchoate collaborations with Andy and Aaron.
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